
Taxation Compliance For Business

We Have Reliable Consultants

 Tax compliance is highly important for both multinational and domestic businesses. Tax authorities have implemented different rules for businesses. However, it is not easy for a business owner to stay updated with the latest tax rules and regulations. That is why we have consultants to provide you with significant help. Our professionals will also make you familiar with reporting requirements. Lower-cost compliance will benefit your business, and you can keep away from legal issues.

How does our tax consultancy help you?

To provide tax consultation services, we –

We deal with both direct and
indirect tax consulting services-

Income tax return

To file for income tax return, you can rely on our professional assistance. We help with e-filing ITR for both individuals and businesses. There are different filing forms ranging from ITR1 to ITR7. Based on your business needs, we will provide guidance. Filing tax returns is your responsibility, and these returns prove your creditworthiness to financial institutions. You will also be able to get financial benefits like bank credits.

TDS return

TDS stands for tax deductible at Source, and a deductor submits the statement on a quarterly basis. It means details of every TDS entry are paid or collected by deductors. Our consultants will guide you on how to file your TDS return without a hassle. With every e-filing for TDS return, we need to include the signed and filled form 27A. During your e-filing, you have to add your TAN. With TAN, your return will not be acceptable. We also help you to fill out the physical form, which you must not overwrite. The authorized signatory will ratify the form after checking and verifying every detail.

Indirect tax consultation services

Our monthly, quarterly, and annual GST return filing services will benefit you in different ways. Based on your business model and industry, you may need to deal with other indirect taxes. So, get the help of our tax consultants and avoid furniture complications. From tax evaluation to return preparation, everything is managed by our team.